2nd Edition

Faculty Diversity Removing the Barriers

By JoAnn Moody Copyright 2012
    284 Pages
    by Routledge

    Why do we see so little progress in diversifying faculty at America’s colleges, universities, and professional schools? This book explores this important question and provides steps for hastening faculty diversity. Drawing on her extensive consultant practice and expertise as well as research and scholarship from several fields, Dr. Moody provides practical and feasible ways to improve faculty recruitment, retention, and mentorship, especially of under-represented women in science-related fields and non-immigrant minorities in all fields. The second edition of Faculty Diversity offers new insights, strategies, and caveats to the current state of faculty diversity.

    This revised edition includes: 

    • New strategies to prevent unintended cognitive bias and errors that damage faculty recruitment and retention
    • Expanded discussion on the importance of different cultural contexts, political, and historical experiences inhabited and inherited by non-immigrant faculty and students
    • Increased testimonials and on-the-ground reflections from faculty, administrators, and leaders in higher education, with new attention to medical and other professional schools
    • Updated Appendix with Discussion Scenarios and Practice Exercises useful to search and evaluation committees, department chairs, deans, faculty senates, and diversity councils
    • Expanded chapter on mentoring that dispels myths about informal mentoring and underlines essential components for formal programs.

    Moody provides an essential, reliable, and eye-opening guide for colleges, medical, and other professional schools that are frustrated in their efforts to diversify their faculty.



    Chapter 1: Cognitive Errors that Contaminate Academic Evaluations and Block Faculty Diversity

    Chapter 2: Negative Bias and Positive Bias: Two Powerful Cognitive Errors that Impede the Advancement of Some Faculty and speed the Advancement of Others

    Chapter 3: Disadvantages for Non-Immigrant Groups but Advantages for Immigrant and "Honorary White" Groups


    Chapter 4: Faculty Recruitment: Replacing Dysfunctional Practices with Good Practices

    Chapter 5: Faculty Retention: Replacing Dysfunctional Practices with Good Practices

    Chapter 6: Faculty Mentoring: Replacing Dysfunctional Practices with Good Practices


    Appendix A: A Colonized Group in Another Country: The Same Caste-Like Pattern

    Appendix B: Imprisonment of African-American Men: A New Caste-System Invented in 1980

    Appendix C: Caste Systems

    Appendix D: Reproduction of Group Inequalities by Standardized and High-Stakes Testing

    Appendix E: Discussion Scenarios—Practice Exercises



    JoAnn Moody PhD, JD, is a national consultant in faculty development and diversity (see www.diversityoncampus.com). She is a former college professor and higher education administrator.

    "Medical schools should pay close attention to this book, especially the discussion of how to remove cognitive errors that can contaminate personnel evaluations and thwart faculty diversity."

    —Joseph Hopkins, M.D., Clinical Professor, Stanford School of Medicine and Director of Stanford Leadership Development Program.

    "Legal counsel for higher education institutions—as well as diversity officers and faculty developers within law and other professional schools—will profit from using this engagingly written guide from an expert."

    —Jonathan Alger, J.D., Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Rutgers University.

    "This is a must read! The author’s truth-telling and practical advice are important for community colleges, research universities, and in fact any research lab or educational institution."

    —Kyrsis Rodriguez, Ph.D., Professor of Science, Roxbury Community College.

    "Dr. Moody’s depth of experience and use of up-to-date research are evident in every chapter. Highly recommended for liberal arts campuses, faculty reading circles, ‘difficult dialogues’ series, and presidents’ and provosts’ cabinets."

    —Beverly Daniel Tatum, Ph.D., President, Spelman College and formerly Dean and Acting President at Mt. Holyoke College.

    "Academic leaders including campus presidents, provosts, deans, department chairs, search and tenure/promotion committees, diversity councils, and chief diversity officers can greatly impact the diversification of faculty if they heed what Dr. Moody has to say."

    —Jozi De Leon, Ph.D., Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, University of New Mexico.