1st Edition

Islam, Media and Education in the Digital Era Proceedings of the 3rd Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes 2020), 23 – 24 November 2020, Bandung, Indonesia

    768 Pages 600 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    The proceedings of the Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes) shares ideas, either research results or literature review, on islam, media and education in the digital era. Some recent issues consists of innovative education in the digital era, new media and journalsm, islamic education, human wellbeing, marketing and fintech in terms of islamic perspective, economic welfare, law and ethics. It is expected that the proceedings will give new insights to the knowledge and practice of social and humanities research. Therefore, such parties involved in social and humanities research as academics, practitioners, business leaders, and others will acquire benefits from the contents of the proceedings.

    Economic Welfare in Terms of Islamic Perspective
    Abnormal Return of Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) During the 2019 Presidential Inauguration
    L. Sevriana, A. Y. Mafruhat, M. Haviz, N. Noviani
    Analysis of Working Capital and Its Effect on Business Growth in the Kawung Areniss Farmer Group in Garut Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia
    M. Muhardi, H. Handri, D. G. Madjakusumah, N. Ihwanudin, M. Muttaqien, M. M. Asrori, R. Hermayanto, M. D. Prayoga
    The Contribution of Social, Economy and Technology in Rural Development
    M. Muhardi, A. Y. Mafruhat, C. Cintyawati, T. A. Ramli, R. Sabar, H. Ahmad, S. Shaharruddin, A. M. Bohari
    Optimization Strategy of Masjid Infaq Funds
    M. F. Arif, H. Suhendi, N. S. M. Sholeh
    Productive Waqf Based Bread Business Development Strategy Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School During the New Normal Era
    H. Suhendi, M. F. Arif, N. S. M. Sholeh, Y. Maryandi
    Accountant Competency Needs in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era: Focus on Soft Skills
    N. Hernawati, M. Maemunah, R. S. Kuntorini, S. Fadilah
    Analysis of Human Resources Competency on the Efficiency of Pesantren Financial Management in West Java Using Data Environment Analysis (DEA) Method
    I. S. R. Maulida, A. R. Anshori, N. D. Himayasari
    Halal Awareness, Halal Certification Issues, and Challenges for Micro Businesses in Bandung
    H. Oemar, E. Achiraeniwati, A. N. Rukmana, A. Septiani
    Halal Industry Certification in Bandung, Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges
    A. Yusup, E. M. Bayuni, Z. F. Nuzula, Y. Haryati, M. R. N. Alfiani, N. A. Lesmana
    The Assistance of Managing Skill and Operating Mitra Inovasi Ummat Sharia Cooperation in Margamulya Village, Pangalengan
    N. Nurhasanah, U. Saripudin, N. Ihwabudin, I. Nurrachmi, S. Z. Zakiyah, M. M. Asrori, A. Meesalucki, I. Nugraha
    Interpreting Cultural Landscape of AKUR Cigugur in Kuningan Regency
    I. Indratno, C. Chamid, A. A. Fadlima, S. H. Kuntoro
    Sharia Audit and Consumer Trust: A Case on Government-Based Zakat Institutions
    A. S. Fadilah, K. Nurcholisah, N. Nurleli, E. Sukarmanto, N. Hernawati
    The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitude Towards Household Waste Management
    N. Nugraha, A. Aviasti, D. S. Mulyati, A. F. Suahati
    Mosque Financial Reporting: A form of Public Accountability
    N. Nurhayati, K. Nurcholisah, M. K. Izzaturahman, Y. Krishnamurti, A. Iss, A. I. Shalihah
    Media uses Above the Line and Below the Line Media for the Promotion of Halal Destination in Indonesia and Malaysia
    N. Yulianita, N. Nurrahmawati, A. Maryani, K. Z. Darmawan
    Carriying Capacity of Curug Goong Planning Using Sustainable Tourism Village Approach
    A. T. Tarlani, S. Saraswati, I. Fardani, A. A. Fadlimat, R. Ekatresna, B. A. Kudus
    SoRes17 Islamic Values in Sustainable Economic Growth Planning: The Case of Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam
    A. R. Dariah, A. R. Hidayat, R. Abdullah
    SoRes18 Accounting Implementation in Improving the Capacity of Empowering MSMEs
    A. S. Fadilah, M. Maemunah, N. Hernawati, R. Mardini, Y. Rosdiana, D. Sofianty
    SoRes19 How Islamic Organizational Culture is Implemented to Islamic Banking Institution in Bandung, Indonesia
    R. Lestari, N. Nurfahmiyati, M. L. Oktaroza, F. Sidik P., B. Putra
    SoRes20 Principles of Islamic Sustainable Development in Indonesia
    A. R. Dariah, A. Y. Mafruhat, M. S. Salleh
    SoRes21 The Development of Sharia Bank Social Functions in Money Waqf in Indonesia
    A. S. L. Sulistiani
    SoRes22 Productive Waqf Asset Management in Community Economic Empowerment in Indonesia and Malaysia
    M. R. Effendi, E. Setiadi, A. R. Hidayat, S. S. B. Othman
    SoRes23 Does the Temptation Encourage Unethical Accountant’s Behavior?
    P. Purnamasari, R. Hartanto
    SoRes24 Is Gold a Hedge Against Inflation and Exchange Rate Risks: Evidences from Muslim Majority Countries
    K. A. Lubis, D. A. Chalid
    Human Wellbeing in Islam
    SoRes25 Career Maturity Profile of SMKN Students in Bandung
    D. Sartika, T. Damayanti, S. Susandari, S. Julieta, S. Dara
    SoRes26 TB Elimination at Islamic Boarding School
    W. Purbaningsih, M. Tejasari, T. Respati, L. Yuniarty, Y. Triyani
    SoRes27 Knowledge and Attitude of University Students toward Marriage
    N. M. Sugandhi, S. Yusuf LN, J. Nurihsan, A. R. Riyadi
    SoRes28 Bullying from the Perspectives of Perpetrators
    I. S. Borualogo, S. Kusdiyati, H. Wahyudi
    SoRes29 Swamedication Counseling and Compounding Training of Health Drink to Produce Healthy and Productive Senior Citizen
    Y. Lukmayani, H. A. Wisnuwardhani, K. M. Yuliawati, F. Lestari
    SoRes30 Community Empowerment in Village Spatial Planning Based on Islamic Perspective
    L. S. Akliyah, H. Hindersah, D. Mukhsin M., H. Burhanudin
    SoRes31 Israf and Impulsive Buying in Universitas Islam Bandung Students
    A. Rozana, D. Dwarawati, E. N. Nugrahawati, N. Azalea, A. Prameswari
    SoRes32 Coaching Program for Teacher to Improve Early Detection of Student with Special Needs
    A. N. Khasanah, S. Kusdiyati, S. R. Hamdan, T. D. Djamhoer
    SoRes33 Building Inclusive Entrepreneurial Culture for Children at School
    I. J. Triwardhani, W. Trigartanti, E. Listiani

    SoRes34 Improvement of Value Added of Regional Waste Management through Maggots Cultivation
    P. Renosori, E. Prasetyaningsih, S. Selamat, A. Arief
    SoRes35 Mindful at Work as a Working Mother
    A. N. Khasanah, A. T. Utami, N. Nuraini
    Innovative Education in the Digital Era
    SoRes36 Positive Character-Building Training for Children Under Care of Foster Parents in SOS Village Indonesia Lembang
    E. N. Wangi, Y. Aslamawati, D. Rosiana, D. Sartika
    SoRes37 The Using of Accounting Application Software in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (Study Case in Bojong Soang)
    I. P. Pramono, A. Suangga, R. Lestari, N. Nurleli, R. S. Kuntorini, E. Halimatusadiah
    SoRes38 Developing Sundanese Language Literacy in Early Childhood through Igel (Movement and Song)
    D. N. Inten, D. Mulyani, K. Khambali, S. A. Zaenal, A. N. Khoirunnisa
    SoRes39 Process of Adaptation of Motives Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ)
    F. P. Diantina, I. U. Sumaryanti, D. Rosiana
    SoRes40 The Main Priority of Maintaining the Sustainability of BMT in the Digital Era
    M. A. Ibrahim, N. Eprianti, Y. R. Hidayat
    SoRes41 Design for Development of Core Competencies of Islamic Education Curriculum in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
    A. Alhamuddin, A. M. Tsaury, E. Surbiyantoro, A. Murniati
    SoRes42 Empowering Daycare to Build a Positive Character of Children Born from Millennial Generations Parents
    Y. Aslamawati, E. N. Wangi, T. A. Ramli
    SoRes43 Student Perception on the Selective Exposure of the Corruption Campaign on Facebook
    N. Yulianita, A. Maryani, R. Gani
    SoRes44 Implementation of Skills for Using Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
    N. Yulianita, T. Wiwitan, R. Gani, E. Setiawan
    SoRes45 Gender-based Disaster Preparedness Innovation Study
    I. H. Agustina, A. Rachmiatie, A. M. Ekasari, V. Damayanti, R. R. Aji
    SoRes46 Empowering Highschool Scoutmasters for Disaster Risk Reduction
    R. Respitawulan, M. Herlina, E. Kurniati, N. Kurniati, I. Sukarsih
    SoRes47 Pilot Game-Based Learning Program to Reduce Anxiety during the Corona Pandemic
    A. S. Fitriyana, T. Respati, B. D. Sartika
    SoRes48 Correlation of Self-Learning Readiness with Self-Study Activities in Higher Education
    A. H. Numan, L. Nurwandi, I. Bachtiar, A. Rachmiatie, I. J. Triwardhani
    SoRes49 Development of Compassion Learning through Digital Stories for Early Childhood in the Covid-19 Pandemic
    H. Hikmah, S. Koeswantono, S. Hartati, Y. Akmal, K. Karnadi
    SoRes50 Performing Discourse Students’ Skill by Using Video
    E. S. Masykuri, I. I. Nugraheni, J. A. Kumar

    Islamic Education
    SoRes51 The Religion of the Society Tourism Region: Phenomenological Study of the Religious Community in the Tourism Area of Curug Masigit and Cimincul, Pasanggrahan Village, Subang Regency
    K. Shaleh, Nandang HMZ, N. Kurniati, L. R. Aprianita, R. M. Restu
    SoRes52 The Effectiveness of Family Communication at the GARUT Tsanawiyah School
    N. K. Syam, K. Shaleh, V. Maovangi, M. J. I. Day, Y. Ramdani
    SoRes53 Pesantren Leadership Model in the Disruptive Era
    C. Cintyawati, A. R. Assyofa, F. S. Firdaus
    SoRes54 The Effectiveness of Disaster Risk Reduction Training in Improving the Capacity of Teachers to Made Semester Learning Programs
    E. Erhamwilda, N. Afrianti, A. Hakim, M. I. Pamungkas
    SoRes55 Build an Environmental-Based Da'wah Amid Da'i in Baleendah Bandung
    A. T. Hirzi, T. M. Umar, D. L. Chaerowati, B. S. Ma’arif
    SoRes56 Literacy for Elementary School Teachers as an Effort to Improve Professional Competence in the Revolutionary Era 4.0
    A. Alhamuddin, H. Aziz, D. N. Inten, D. Mulyani
    SoRes57 Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System in Elementary Schools (Case Studies in Bandung)
    Y. Junaedi, N. Rahminawati
    SoRes58 Communication Dynamics of Jemaat Ahmadiyya Indonesia (JAI) Organization After Persecution
    B. S. Ma’arif, A. T. Hirzi, R. Khuza’i
    SoRes59 Pious “Sholeh” Children Indicators Constructions in Pedagogic Perspectives
    A. R. Riyadi, S. Yusuf LN, M. Solehuddin
    Law and Ethics in Terms of Islamic Perspective
    SoRes60 Analysis of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI Article 181): An Islamic Law Perspective
    R. Fawzi, F. F. R. S. Hamdani, I. M. Wijayanti, L. Dzulhijjah
    SoRes61 Implementation of CSR in Indonesia Islamic Banking: An Analysis from Maqashid Al-Syariah
    J. Hendar, N. Chotidjah, A. Rohman, R. M. Waldan A., T. Nazira, D. A. Fauzia
    SoRes62 Halal Certification on Food Products under the Indonesian Legislation in the Framework of GATT-WTO 1994
    N. Ruhaeni, E. A. Aqimuddin, H. Afriyadi
    SoRes63 The Role of Intelligence Agencies in Eradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism
    D. D. Heniarti, O. Wahjoe, A. Puspawati, H. Syawali
    SoRes64 Digitalizing Islamic Prayer Times for Accurate Salat Time and Azan Application
    E. A. Rojak, M. Yunus, I. Mujahid, N. S. S. Rejekinah
    SoRes65 The Model of Corruption Prisoners Coaching in Correctional Institution to Achieve Purpose of Punishment
    A. Mahmud, D. A. Setiawan, F. F. Izadi, A. Puspitasari, P. Muntafa
    SoRes66 Juridical Constraints in the Investment Agreement for Toll Road Development in Indonesia Related to Land Acquisition
    R. Supriatna, F. Siska, F. F. Jambak
    SoRes67 Economic Law Politics and the Direction of Indonesian Economic Law Politics
    E. Yusdiansyah, N. S. Imaniyati, M. Muhardi, H. Syam, M. T. Cheumar
    SoRes68 The Construction of Musyârakah Mutanâqishah (MMQ) Contract in the Fatwa of National Sharia Board-Indonesian Ulema Council Number 73/DSN-MUI/XI/2008
    P. Adam, N. S. Imaniyati, N. Nurhasanah
    SoRes69 The Sharia Hotel Policy in Yogyakarta toward Non-Mahram Guests
    R. Priyatmoko, A. Maulana, B. Antariksa
    SoRes70 Legal Risk Management of Contract in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period According to ISO 31022: 2020 Framework and Islamic Values
    R. Januarita, M. F. Mufidi
    SoRes71 Legal Liability of the Doctor: In Carrying Out Medical Actions without Medical Indications, in Terms of the Doctor’s Obligations According to the Law of the RI No. 29 of 2004 Concerning Practice of Medicine Article 51
    S. Y. Warnasouda, N. Sambas, M. F. Mufidi, C. A. Firman Z. H. Susiarno
    SoRes72 The Existency of Islamic Criminal Law Against the Death Penalty for Thoughts of Drugs
    Y. Maryandi, I. Nurrachmi, W. A. Wiksana
    Marketing and Fintech in Terms of Islamic Perspective
    SoRes73 Social Media Marketing to Brand Awareness in Private University
    M. M. A. Rohandi, E. N. Hasanah, E. T. Gumilar
    SoRes74 The Readiness of MSME Using Fintech Application and the Profile of Fintech User in Bandung Area
    R. Mardini, I. P. Pramono, R. Hartanto
    SoRes75 Empowerment of Woman of Street Vendors through E-Commerce Application-Based Product Marketing Training to Increase Sales Turnover
    R. Adwiyah, A. M. Rani, A. R. Assyofa, A. A. Asthu
    SoRes76 Brand Awareness Analysis of Halal Class of Salman's Halal Centre ITB
    Y. W. Cholifah, R. P. Putra, I. Rachmawati
    SoRes77 How do Students Choose a College: Is it Because of the Cost of Education or the Image of the College?
    D. A. Harahap, R. Tresnati, L. Nurwandi, E. Harahap, D. Amanah
    Media, Journalism, and Transformation
    SoRes78 Amar Maruf Nahi Munkar and Tabayyun as Embodiment of Islamic Journalism
    R. R. Kusumalestari, A. Satriani, A. N. Permatasari, K. D. Faraumina, S. A. Larasati
    SoRes79 Disaster Mitigation Education for Television Journalists in West Java
    S. S. Kurnia, D. Ahmadi, S. I. Karsa, F. Firmansyah, D. Iskandar
    SoRes80 Interpretation of Television Journalists Utilizing Smartphone Technology on Reporting Disaster
    S. S. Kurnia, D. Ahmadi, S. I. Karsa, F. Firmansyah, D. Iskandar
    SoRes81 Supporting Salman ITB Publisher to Become a Competent & Competitive Da'wah Media
    A. N. Permatasari, A. Y. Asgha, A. Satriani, S. Novita
    SoRes82 What We Did in Tanjung Lesung After the 2018 Tsunami: Case Study on Image Restoration of Tanjung Lesung Destinations After the 2018 Tsunami
    A. Y. Asgha, S. Novita, F. Firmansyah

    SoRes83 Social Network Analysis of Tweets During Protest Action on Regulations Draft of “Omnibuslaw Bill”: An Overview from Social Psychology Perspective
    V. S. Putera, D. A. N. Sirodj, R. H. Permana
    SoRes84 Optimizing Community Channels and Media for Participatory Rural Development in Bumiwangi Village, Bandung
    D. L. Chaerowati, T. M. Umar, M. S. Drajat
    SoRes85 Media Literacy Group Coaching from Group Development to Creative Content Creation Skills
    K. Zakiah, A. Askurifai, D. W. Putri, N. Nurrahmawati
    SoRes86 Book Writing as a Promotion Media for Culinary Products
    A. Ratnasari, Y. Hamdan, A. Sofyan, Y. Yuniati, N. Nurlimah
    SoRes87 The Role of Knowledge, Attitude, and Subjective Norm on Muslim Tourists’ Behavior in Choosing Halal Hotel and Restaurants: The Indonesia Case
    A. Rachmiatie, F. Rahmafitria, A. R. Larasati
    SoRes88 Population Density and COVID-19 Distribution
    D. Suhenda, N. Nuraini, E. F. Hutasoit
    SoRes89 Representation of Sex Education in Film “Dua Garis Biru”
    I. S. Wahjuwibowo, A. V. Purwantie
    New Media (Impacts, Benefits, and Barriers)
    SoRes90 Analysis of Public Awareness Level on Garbage
    N. Eprianti, N. D. Himayasari, I. Mujahid, I. S. Rohmah, P. Srisusilawati
    SoRes91 Creative Content Digital Literacy Community Information Group (KIM): Effects of Information Dissemination Optimization Training
    A. Yuningsih, F. Darmawan, M. S. Drajat, E. Setiawan
    SoRes92 Utilization of Weblog (Internet) Based Marketing Communication Applications for Diffable Creativity Groups in the City of Bandung
    O. Hasbiansyah, A. Maryani, O. Kurniadi, Z. Zulfebriges, D. Iskandar
    SoRes93 Business Model Analysis in E-Commerce Start-Up
    A. M. Rani, R. Adwiyah
    SoRes94 The Use of Digital Technology in Collecting Zakat Funds in Indonesia
    N. Nurhayati, E. Halimatusadiah, P. Purnamasari, H. Suhendi, A. I. Shalihah
    SoRes95 Wearable Device Design: Ultraviolet Sterilizer Gloves to Prevent Covid 19 Spread in Money Transaction
    N. Nurhayati, K. Izzaturahman, A. I. Shalihah, Y. Krisnamurti
    SoRes96 The Role of Teacher in Improving Digital Literacy in Elementary Students
    I. Rachmawati, W. Trigartanti, I. J. Triwardhani, R. P. Putra
    SoRes97 Enforcement of Immigration Law Sanctions Against Illegal Foreign Workers Who Take Advantage of Indonesia's Visa-Free Visit Policy
    R. I. Sundary, C. A. Firman, I. Irawati
    SoRes98 Media Literation in Preventing Analysis in the Spread of Covid-19 Infodemic in Bandung City
    Y. Supriadi, M. S. Drajat, N. L. Saleh, A. Suci R., A. S. N. Huda
    SoRes99 Blocking Hoax Information in a Disruptive Era
    F. Darmawan, D. Fardiah, R. Rinawati, K. L. Fadillah, R. A. Aziz
    SoRes100 The Impact of Pornographic Content Accessed by the Internet on High School Students
    H. H. Setiawan, S. Sumarno, A. Kurniasari, H. Yusuf, R. Murni, A. Rahman
    SoRes101 Disappearance of Genuine Communication in Twitter’s Hashtags on Indonesian Presidential Election 2019
    K. Karman, B. Mudjiyanto
    SoRes102 Omnichannel Marketing Communication Model in Consumer Building Engagement (Case Study at PT. Brodo Ganesha Indonesia)
    Y. Hereyah, S. J. Faradella
    SoRes103 Disaster and Politicization of COVID-19 Infodemic in West Java Province During the Initial Phase of the Outbreak
    S. I. Astuti, R. Rizki, R. Gani
    SoRes104 In Search of Indonesian-Based Digital Literacy Curriculum through TULAR NALAR
    S. I. Astuti, H. Mulyati, G. Lumakto


    Prof. Dr. Atie Rachmiatie, M.Si is a lecturer at Universitas Islam Bandung. She is currently the head of Research and Community Services Universitas Islam Bandung. Media, journalism, radio and public communication are her areas of expertise. Professor Atie’s contribution in several research projects and publications has listed her as a national and international reviewer in various national and international journals, especially in the communication field. She has published countless papers on social, and communication research.
    Dr. Ike Junita Triwardani, M.Si is is a lecturer at Communication Management, Faculty of Communication, Unisba and serves as a secretary of Research and Community Services Unisba (period of 2017 – 2021). She has research interests in the area of interpersonal communication, ethnography of communication (EC), and children education. She is also active as a reviewer in several accredited national journals. She has published countless papers on social, and communication research.
    Dr. Alhamuddin, M.M.Pd is a lecturer at Universitas Islam Bandung. He is a head of community service division at Research and Community Services Universitas Islam Bandung. His area of research is mainly on education. He is also active as a reviewer in several accredited national journals. He has recently become interested in research education in curriculum and instruction as well. He has published countless papers on social, and education research.
    Cep Ubad Abdullah is a lecturer at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. As a member of UPI publication center, his area of research is mainly on education. His publication includes papers on physical education, sports science, science and technology in education. He has recently become interested in research studies in tourism as well.