626 Pages 25 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Knowledge is a result of never-ending processes of circulation. This accessible volume is the first comprehensive multidisciplinary work to explore these processes through the perspective of scholars working outside of Anglo-American paradigms. Through a variety of literature reviews, examples of recent research and in-depth case studies, the chapters demonstrate that the analysis of knowledge circulation requires a series of ontological and epistemic commitments that impact its conceptualisation and methodologies.

    Bringing diverse viewpoints from across the globe and from a range of disciplines, including anthropology, economics, history, political science, sociology and Science & Technology Studies (STS), this wide-ranging and thought-provoking collection offers a broad and cutting-edge overview of outstanding research on academic knowledge circulation. The book is structured in seven sections: (i) key concepts in studying the circulation of academic knowledge; (ii) spaces and actors of circulation; (iii) academic media and knowledge circulation; (iv) the political economy of academic knowledge circulation; (v) the geographies, geopolitics and historical legacies of the global circulation of academic knowledge; (vi) the relationships between academic and extra-academic knowledges; and (vii) methodological approaches to studying the circulation of academic knowledge.

    This handbook will be essential reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate researchers in the humanities and social sciences interested in the circulation of knowledge.

    Towards a Collective Introduction

    Rigas Arvanitis, Chandni Basu, Natacha Bacolla, Stéphane Dufoix, Stefan Fornos Klein, Wiebke Keim, Mauricio Nieto Olarte, Leandro Rodriguez Medina, Clara Ruvituso, Gernot Saalmann, Tobias Schlechtriemen and Hebe Vessuri

    Section I: Key concepts in studying the circulation of academic knowledge

    1. Writing: on the Entanglements of Producing and Circulating Academic Knowledge
    2. Larissa Schindler and Hilmar Schäfer

    3. Studying the Circulation of Academic Knowledge as Reception
    4. Laurent Afresnse

    5. Translation of Knowledge
      Rafael Y. Schögler
    6. Academic Knowledge Circulation Enacting Reality
    7. Claudio Ramos Zincke

    8. Consecration of Academic Knowledge in Circulation
      Fernanda Beigel
    9. Localisation of Circulating Academic Knowledge
      Philipp Altmann
    10. Recontextualising Circulating Knowledge
    11. Xiaoxue Gao

    12. The Circulation of Incorrect Information
      Jochen Gläser

    Section II: Spaces and actors of circulation

    9. Theories and Practices of Knowledge Brokering

    Morgan Meyer and Victoria Brun

    10. Highly Skilled Migration and Knowledge Circulation

    Sheila V. Siar

    11. Political Oppression, War and Emigration: Their Effects on the Circulation of Scholars

    Cherry Schrecker

    12. The Role of Religious Actors in the Circulation of Academic Knowledge

    Mrinalini Sebastian

    13. International Scientific Associations and Conferences as Agents in the Unequal Circulation of Knowledge

    Thibaud Boncourt, Susanne Koch and Elena Matviichuk

    14. Expertise within International Organisations and Circulation of Knowledge

    Carlos R.S. Milani and Benoît Martin

    Section III: Academic media and knowledge circulation

    15. The Role of the Book and Publishing Markets in Knowledge Circulation

    Martina Hacke

    16. The role of Bibliographic Indices for Knowledge Circulation

    Jonathan Voges

    17. The Role of Academic Journals in the Circulation of Academic Knowledge

    Mariann Slíz, Panna Szabó and Tamás Farkas

    18. The Circulation of Academic Knowledge in the Medium of School Programmes

    Viktoria Gräbe and Michael Wermke

    19. Circulating Knowledge through Intermediary Objects in Scientific Cooperative Networks

    Dominique Vinck and Constanza Pérez-Martelo

    Section IV: The political economy of academic knowledge circulation

    20. Knowledge Dependency and Circulation

    Francesco Maniglio

    21. Digital Object Identifier: Privatising Knowledge Circulation through Infrastructuring

    Angela Okune and Leslie Chan

    22. Knowledge Machines: A Complex Web of History and Technology

    Mark Bernstein

    23. Free Circulation of Academic and Artistic Knowledge in the Context of Cognitive Capitalism

    Lynda Avendaño Santana

    24. Knowledge Circulation and Unequal Partnerships

    Montserrat Alom Bartrolí, Xilin Huang and Rigas Arvanitis

    25. The Changing Economics of Academic Publishing and the Discourse of "Predatory" Science

    Thibaud Boncourt and David Mills

    26. Knowledge Circulation and the Institutionalisation of Climate Science as a New Academic Field

    Tomás Undurraga, Gonzalo Aguirre and Sasha Mudd

    27. Crossing Disciplines and the Role of Knowledge Circulation for the Emergence of New Interdisciplinary Fields

    Philippe Hamman, Christopher Schliephake and Jason Groves

    Section V: The geographies, geopolitics and historical legacies of the global circulation of academic knowledge

    28. Academic Knowledge, Translation and Geopolitics

    Manuel Pavón-Belizón

    29. The Construction of Academic Prestige and Its Role in Knowledge Circulation

    Diogo Pinheiro

    30. Representation and the Transnational Circulation of Knowledge

    Nil Uzun

    31. Knowledge Circulation and the Gaze of Epistemic Others: towards an African Epistemology

    Théophile Ambadiang

    32. Indigenisation: The Significance of the Debates for the Circulation of Academic Knowledge

    Junpeng Li, Songying Xu, Gang Zhou, Taiwen Yang and Zhiqiang Zhang

    Section VI: The relationships between academic and extra-academic knowledge

    33. Science and Society: Approaches for the Circulation of Knowledge beyond Academia

    Michael Weinhardt and Katharina Löhr

    34. Newspapers and the Circulation of Academic Knowledge

    Simone Jung

    35. Consultancy Praxis: Dynamics of Circulation between Academia and State Knowledge

    Natacha Bacolla and Jimena Caravaca

    36. Experts and Social Movements in the Circulation of Academic Knowledge

    Christian Colella

    37. Addressing Inclusion and Sustainability in the Circulation of Knowledge beyond Academia

    Gabriela Bortz and Ayelén Gázquez

    Section VII: Methodological approaches to studying the circulation of academic knowledge

    38. Ethnography and the Circulation of Knowledge

    Marko Monteiro

    39. Biographic Methods and the Study of Academic Knowledge Circulation

    Daniele Cantini

    40. Prosopography and the Study of Academic Knowledge Circulation

    Constantin Brissaud

    41. Actor-Network Theory and the Materiality for Researching Academic Knowledge Circulation

    Manuel Bolz, Stefanie Mallon and Marcela Suárez Estrada

    42. Field Theory and the Circulation of Academic Knowledge

    Laurent Afresne, Clara Ruvituso and Gernot Saalmann

    43. Bibliometrics and the Study of Academic Knowledge Circulation

    Julián D. Cortés, Katerina Bohle-Carbonell and Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez

    44. Using Digital Text-Based Approaches to Study Knowledge Circulation

    Matías Milia

    45. Studying Metaphors and the Understanding of Knowledge Circulation

    Eszter Pál


    Wiebke Keim is CNRS researcher at the SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe) research centre at Strasbourg University, France. Her research interests include the sociology of knowledge and science, the history of sociology, the epistemology of the social sciences, critiques of Eurocentrism, fascisms and post-fascisms. She is the author of Vermessene Disziplin: Zum konterhegemonialen Potential afrikanischer und lateinamerikanischer Soziologien (2008) and Universally Comprehensible, Arrogantly Local: South African Labour Studies from the Apartheid Era into the New Millennium (2017), and co-author of Gauging and Engaging Deviance, 1600-2000 (2014), and of Scripting Defiance: Four Sociological Vignettes (2022).

    Leandro Rodriguez Medina is Professor of Sociology at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, Mexico. He is also a member of the National System of Researchers at Mexico’s Council for Science and Technology and founding editor-in-chief of the Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology, and Society journal. His research interests include Science & Technology Studies (STS), science and technology policies in Latin America, the international circulation of knowledge within the social sciences, and the relationship between cities and culture. He is author of Material Hermeneutics in Political Science (2013); Centers and Peripheries in Knowledge Production (Routledge, 2014), and The Circulation of European Knowledge: Niklas Luhmann in the Hispanic Americas and co-editor of La Teoría del Actor-Red desde América Latina (2022).

    Rigas Arvanitis, Ceped, Université Paris Cité-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France

    Natacha Bacolla, Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina

    Chandni Basu, Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, India and Albert-Ludwigs-Universität-Freiburg, Germany

    Stéphane Dufoix, Université Paris-Nanterre and senior member of the Institut universitaire de France, France

    Stefan Klein, Departamento de Sociologia, Universidade de Brasília (SOL/ICS), Brazil

    Mauricio Nieto Olarte, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia,

    Barbara Riedel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität-Freiburg, Germany

    Clara Ruvituso, Mecila/Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Germany

    Gernot Saalmann, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität-Freiburg, Germany

    Tobias Schlechtriemen, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität-Freiburg, Germany

    Hebe Vessuri, Independent researcher