1st Edition

Selling Immunity Self, Culture and Economy in Healthcare and Medicine

By Mark Davis Copyright 2022

    Selling Immunity Self, Culture and Economy in Healthcare and Medicine provides a groundbreaking study of the ways in which immunity shapes life. Through its up-to-date discussion of immunity cultures, alongside detailed real-world examples, the book demonstrates how immunity is enmeshed in concepts of possessive individualism, self-defence and health consumerism.

    The book explores the rich metaphorical powers of immunity and the life narratives it inspires with reference to the talk of scientists, immunology texts and popular science magazines. The author provides a detailed overview of the ways in which digital media can shape the immune self with reference to cultural and social theories, providing insight into how immunitary knowledge and products are consumed and the benefits and drawbacks this has for healthcare. The book considers the significance of immunity for individuals navigating the threats to health that arise with pandemics and superbugs, with a keen look into how these ideas surface in everyday life across the globe. Finally, the book also discusses economic bases of healthcare technologies bent towards the protection and restoration of immunity.

    This book is essential reading for professionals within the fields of psychology, sociology, biomedical science, healthcare and other related disciplines. A broader audience will appreciate the book’s attention on the ways immunity is understood to be a personal possession, an object of life craft, and the basis for healthcare consumerism.

    1. Framing immunity  

    2. What can immunity do? 

    3. Immunological narratives  

    4. The popularisation of immunology  

    5. Immunity and digital media 

    6. Immune selves 

    7. Fragile immunitary economies  

    8. Immunity and its discontents


    Mark Davis is an Associate Professor at the Centre to Impact Antimicrobial Resistance and School of Social Sciences at Monash University, Australia. He writes on the social responses to pandemics and superbugs with particular emphasis on the lived experiences of affected communities and the work of healthcare practitioners and biomedical scientists.