1st Edition

Sharing Maths Cultures: IMPACT Inventing Maths For Parents And Children And Teachers

By Ruth Merttens, Jeff Vass Copyright 1990
    204 Pages
    by Routledge

    IMPACT the project is about involving parents in the mathematics curriculum through the tutelage of their children and through sustained patterns of direct contact.

    Part 1 Debate, history and challenge: curriculum, community and relevance; years of social and professional change; a brief history of IMPACT; an intervention project; a research project; the IMPACT network. Part 2 Children as tutors: what is IMPACT?; the social context of maths; co- operative learning; peer tutoring; home and schooling as situations for learning; the IMPACT process; IMPACT and the National Curriculum. Part 3 Getting started: National Curriculum process; IMPACT and school policy; staffroom decisions - things to consider; which classes?; IMPACT - how often? which day?; what about resources? ; informing the Governors. Part 4 IMPACT in the classroom and the home: planning IMPACT; linking the classwork to the home maths; anticipating follow-up activities; the IMPACT activity cycle; assessment and record-keeping; parental input; listening to parents; designing a response form; patterns of parental contact. Part 5 Designing and selecting materials: designing IMPACT activities; criteria for design; maintaining a variety; preparation in class; follow-up work in groups; selecting IMPACT activities; IMPACT resources; organization in the staffroom; varying the diet; preparation in class; follow-up work; links with commercial schemes; IMPACT flexibility. Part 6 Evaluating, reflecting on practice: re-thinking the scope of evaluation; evaluation in complexity; knowing what to evaluate; rationale for monitoring; starting with institutions; monitoring IMPACT in the school; National Assessment and IMPACT.


    Ruth Merttens, Jeff Vass