1st Edition

Short Bowel Syndrome Practical Approach to Management

    440 Pages 30 Color & 73 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    458 Pages 30 Color & 73 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    Short Bowel Syndrome: Practical Approach to Management is the first reference exclusively about the issues experienced by patients with a short bowel. It covers all aspects of normal and abnormal physiology, the presenting features, and outcomes, including metabolic problems, gallstones, and renal stones. It discusses both medical and surgical treatments, including intestinal transplantation.

    The use of growth factors, which is likely in the future to become increasingly important in promoting intestinal structural adaptation, is extensively discussed. Special emphasis is given to the psychosocial aspects of the quality of life of patients, including support groups. Emphasis is also given to the importance of an experienced multidisciplinary team in caring for these patients.

    This book is particularly timely given the recent advances in the management of Short Bowel Syndrome, including the availability of pharmacologic agents to enhance intestinal absorption, refinements in parenteral nutrition, and surgical procedures designed to eliminate the need for parenteral nutrition support.

    The goal of this international, interdisciplinary book is to bring the subject of Short Bowel Syndrome to a wide audience. A wide range of specialists have contributed to this book to provide various viewpoints on the state-of-the-art care of those with this condition.

    Short Bowel Syndrome: Definition, Classification, Etiology, Epidemiology, Survival, and Costs
    Palle B. Jeppesen

    Psychological, Social, and Quality of Life Considerations in Short Bowel Syndrome
    James M. Badger and Marion F. Winkler

    Short Bowel Syndrome: Anatomical and Physiological Considerations
    Jeremy Nightingale

    Intestinal Adaptation: The Contemporary Treatment Goal for Short Bowel Syndrome
    Jane Naberhuis and Kelly A. Tappenden

    Diarrhea in Short Bowel Syndrome
    Badr Al-Bawardy and Vandana Nehra

    Electrolyte and Acid-Base Disturbances
    Lingtak-Neander Chan and Berkeley N. Limketkai

    Cholelithiasis and Nephrolithiasis
    Andrew Ukleja and John Rivas

    Metabolic Bone Disease in Adults with Short Bowel Syndrome
    Lynn R. Mack and Fedja A. Rochling

    Clinical and Nutritional Assessment in the Patient with Short Bowel Syndrome
    Denise Konrad and Betsy Gallant

    Diet Considerations in Short Bowel Syndrome
    Rebecca A. Weseman and Laura E. Beerman

    Maintaining Hydration in the Short Bowel Patient
    Bethany E. Blalock and Carol Rees Parrish

    Vitamins: Supplementation and Monitoring
    Elizabeth A. Wall

    Management of Trace Elements in Short Bowel Syndrome
    Joe Krenitsky

    Enteral Feeding in Short Bowel Syndrome
    Lore Billiauws, Emilie Latour Beaudet, and Francisca Joly

    Parenteral Nutrition for Short Bowel Syndrome: Practical Aspects
    Laura Matarese and Glenn Harvin

    Drug Delivery and Bioavailability in Short Bowel Syndrome
    Lingtak-Neander Chan

    The Role of Antimotility and Antisecretory Agents in the Management of Short Bowel Syndrome
    Mandy L. Corrigan and Donald F. Kirby

    Luminally Active Therapies: Pancreatic Enzymes, Bile Acids, Bile Acid Binders, Antimicrobials, Probiotics, and Prebiotics in Short Bowel Syndrome
    Eamonn M.M. Quigley

    Glucagon-Like Peptide-2 in Short Bowel Syndrome
    James S. Scolapio and Matt Clark

    Utility of Growth Hormone and Other Potential Agents to Restore Enteral
    Autonomy in Short Bowel Syndrome
    John K. DiBaise

    Surgical Considerations in the Short Bowel Syndrome
    Jon S. Thompson

    Ostomy, Fistula, and Skin Management
    Christine T. Berke and Cathi Brown

    Autologous Gastrointestinal Reconstruction
    David F. Mercer

    Intestinal Transplantation
    Sherilyn Gordon Burroughs and Douglas G. Farmer

    Home Parenteral Nutrition Initiation, Monitoring, and Weaning
    Jithinraj Edakkanambeth Varayil, John K. DiBaise, and Ryan T. Hurt

    Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease
    Deirdre A. Kelly and Sue V. Beath

    Central Venous Catheter Complications: Management and Prevention
    Richard Gilroy, Jordan Voss, and Chaitanya Pant

    Meeting the Unmet Needs of Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Consumers: Education, Networking, and Support
    Darlene G. Kelly, Joan Bishop, and Harlan Johnson

    Patient and Caregiver Perspectives: Learn and Live!
    Lynn Ruse and Jim Ruse


    Edited by

    John K. DiBaise, MD, professor, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

    Carol Rees Parrish, MS, RD, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, USA

    Jon S. Thompson, MD, professor of surgery, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, USA