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Studies in Labour History: Studies in Labour History

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17 Series Titles

Per Page

Working Out Gender Perspectives from Labour History

Working Out Gender: Perspectives from Labour History

1st Edition

Edited By Margaret Walsh
November 10, 2016

Working out Gender brings together leading scholars and young researchers to examine the various ways in which gender is currently being used in labour history. Having been a dynamic and contentious category of historical analysis since the mid 1980s gender continues to incite much debate. This ...

Gender and Rural Modernity Farm Women and the Politics of Labor in Germany, 1871–1933

Gender and Rural Modernity: Farm Women and the Politics of Labor in Germany, 1871–1933

1st Edition

By Elizabeth B. Jones
November 15, 2016

By the end of the First World War, women's labor was viewed by contemporary observers as fundamental to the survival of family farms in Germany and consequently to the nation's economic and social stability. At the same time, however, the overburdening of farm women sparked increasingly ...

Regulating Health and Safety in the British Mining Industries, 1800–1914

Regulating Health and Safety in the British Mining Industries, 1800–1914

1st Edition

By Catherine Mills
September 12, 2016

This book explores the emergence and growth of state responsibility for safer and healthier working practices in British mining and the responses of labour and industry to expanding regulation and control. It begins with an assessment of working practice in the coal and metalliferous mining ...

Social Relations in the Estate Villages of Mecklenburg c.1880–1924

Social Relations in the Estate Villages of Mecklenburg c.1880–1924

1st Edition

By Simon Constantine
October 31, 2016

Research on late nineteenth and early twentieth century German society has concentrated overwhelmingly on life in the cities. By contrast, and despite the fact that almost one third of Germans were still working in agriculture as late as 1914, Germany's rural society remains relatively unexplored. ...

The Foundations of the British Labour Party Identities, Cultures and Perspectives, 1900-39

The Foundations of the British Labour Party: Identities, Cultures and Perspectives, 1900-39

1st Edition

Edited By Matthew Worley
September 08, 2016

Interest in the Labour Party remains high, particularly following the unprecedented election of a third successive Labour government and amidst the on-going controversies that surround the New Labour project. Increasingly, the ideological basis of the Labour Party has come under scrutiny, with some...

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