1st Edition

Teaching the 'Slow' Learner in the Primary School

Edited By M. F. Cleugh Copyright 1961
    296 Pages
    by Routledge

    296 Pages
    by Routledge

    This book is a re-issue originally published in 1961. The language used is a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication. Dr Cleugh was in charge of the course for teachers of so-called 'educationally sub-normal' children at the University of London Institute of Education.

    The three volumes of this work, which at the time took their place as complete and up-to-date guides to the subjects they cover, were written by practising teachers who had passed through the Institute’s course, and they cover every part of the curriculum from the point of view of the 'slow' learner. This volume focuses on the primary school.

    Preface.  1. Social, Moral and Religious Training R. W. Bannister  2. Physical Education and Health R. C. Ablewhite  3. Basic Skills: Speech and Oral Work H. Purt  4. Basic Skills: Reading M. F. Boote  5. Basic Skills: Arithmetic D. A. Ray  6. Expressive Work: Art Geo. A. Edmonds  7. Expressive Work: Music D. H. Cleife  8. Expressive Work: Drama A. F. Harris  9. Handicraft J. B. Hawkins  10. Environmental Studies W. A. Hollingbery  11. The Keeping of Records Cyril E. Saunders  12. Equipment and Apparatus I. R. Miller  13. The Slow Learner in the Infant School Mary E. Middleton  14. Backward Children in Village Schools K. I. Marshall  15. Remedial Teaching Joan M. Gordon.  Index.


    Mary Frances Cleugh