1st Edition

The Action Learning Handbook Powerful Techniques for Education, Professional Development and Training

By Anne Brockbank, Ian McGill Copyright 2004

    Action learning is a continued process of learning and reflection with the support of a group of colleagues, working on real issues. The action learning method is increasingly used to bring innovation to many different fields of work. The principles of action learning can achieve improvement and transformation in a wide range of applications and disciplines, including professional training and educational contexts.
    This book is a comprehensive guide to action learning which maintains an accessible, practical focus throughout. It is packed with useful resources, including case studies and ideas for workshop sessions.

    Key topics covered include:
    * action learning in professional and educational settings
    * setting up, facilitating and evaluating an action learning programme
    * the roles and skills required to practice successfully
    * use of action learning in relation to the individual, the group and the organization
    * the role of reflection; and action learning theory.

    Newcomers to the area of action learning will find this an essential introduction which can be put to use straight away, while more experienced practitioners seeking a deeper understanding will value the thorough analysis of action learning theory.

    Part 1: Starting Action Learning 1. Introducing Action Learning 2. Types of Action Learning 3. Introductory Workshops 4. Starting a Set: The First and Second Meetings Part 2: Understanding Action Learning 5. Dialogue and Collaborative Learning 6. Action Learning as a Reflective Process 7. The Social Context of Action Learning Part 3: Facilitating Action Learning 8. Group Dynamics in Action Learning 9. Being a Presenter 10. Being a Set Member 11. Being a Facilitator 12. Development and Accreditation of Facilitators of Action Learning Part 4: Evaluating Action Learning 13. The Process Review 14. Evaluating Action Learning 15. Endings


    Anne Brockbank and Ian McGill are both consultants and writers on learning and development in organizations, plus managerial, professional and educational development.

    'True to its title (and the nature of action learning itself), the book offers the reader step-by-step guidance through the stages of initiating, conducting and measuring the effectiveness of an action learning process. Beginning with definitions of terms and the articulation of the values associated with action learning, it includes carefully articulated case studies of learning situations and their outcomes. From planning to evaluation of the outcomes, the authors walk the reader step-by-step through a thoughtfully-organised smorgasbord of considerations that are necessary to implement action learning, illustrating each of the major elements with useful and sometimes compelling - examples.' - British Journal of Educational Technology