1st Edition

The Development of Autism Perspectives From Theory and Research

    364 Pages
    by Routledge

    Dedicated to the memory and work of Lisa Capps, this volume is a forum for scholars and practitioners interested in the typical and atypical development of persons with autism. Each chapter is focused on theoretical considerations and the empirical evidence regarding a specific aspect of functioning, but common themes of development are considered throughout. Within this framework, the contributors provide a detailed and comprehensive account of the development of persons with autism.

    The book is divided into four sections: (1) Developmental, Neurobiological, Genetic, and Family Considerations; (2) Attention and Perception; (3) Cognition, Theory of Mind, and Executive Functioning; and (4) Social and Adaptive Behaviors. With the consideration of this broad range of topics, this volume is both a state-of-the-art resource about autism and a unique contribution to the study of development. It will be of interest to researchers and care providers from several domains, including psychology, psychiatry, social work, developmental psychology, and education. This volume can be used as a text in graduate and advanced undergraduate courses, and as a resource in applied settings.

    Contents: Preface. Part I: Introduction: Developmental, Neurobiological, Genetic, and Family Considerations. J.A. Burack, T. Charman, N. Yirmiya, P.R. Zelazo, Development and Autism: Messages From Developmental Psychopathology. K.A. Loveland, Toward an Ecological Theory of Autism. P.R. Zelazo, A Developmental Perspective on Early Autism: Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Factors. N. Bauminger, N. Yirmiya, The Functioning and Well-Being of Siblings of Children With Autism: Behavioral-Genetic and Familial Contributions. K. Koenig, K.D. Tsatsanis, F.R. Volkmar, Neurobiology and Genetics of Autism: A Developmental Perspective. Part II: Attention and Perception. S. Leekam, C. Moore, The Development of Attention and Joint Attention in Children With Autism. L. Mottron, J.A. Burack, Enhanced Perceptual Functioning in the Development of Autism. K.C. Plaisted, Reduced Generalization in Autism: An Alternative to Weak Central Coherence. Part III: Cognition, Theory of Mind, and Executive Functioning. H. Tager-Flusberg, A Reexamination of the Theory of Mind Hypothesis of Autism. P.D. Zelazo, J.A. Burack, J.J. Boseovski, S. Jacques, D. Frye, A Cognitive Complexity and Control Framework for the Study of Autism. D.M. Bowler, Autism: Specific Cognitive Deficit or Emergent End Point of Multiple Interacting Systems? F. Happé, Social and Nonsocial Development in Autism: Where Are the Links? C. Hughes, Executive Dysfunction in Autism: Its Nature and Implications for the Everyday Problems Experienced by Individuals With Autism. Part IV: Social and Adaptive Behaviors. L.L. Travis, M. Sigman, Communicative Intentions and Symbols in Autism: Examining a Case of Altered Development. C. Kasari, B. Chamberlain, N. Bauminger, Social Emotions and Social Relationships: Can Children With Autism Compensate? T. Charman, J. Swettenham, Repetitive Behaviors and Social-Communicative Impairments in Autism: Implications for Developmental Theory and Diagnosis.


    Jacob A. Burack, Tony Charman, Nurit Yirmiya, Philip R. Zelazo

    "Many of the chapters provide excellent overviews of where we are now; and several of the chapters suggest exciting possibilities for new ways forward.

    "It contains very useful summaries of recent research into issues including joint attention, perception, deficits of generalisation, theory of mind, executive function, cognitive impairments, and social, emotional and communicative development....The book would certainly be of value for anyone seeking an update on theoretical and research issues related to psycholgical development in autism."
    Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry

    "In general, the development psychopathological perspective gives rise to important new tactics in examining the developmental processes that contribute to critical symptoms at a particular age and also encourages researchers to consider the ramifications of those symptoms for subsequent development. Elegant treatises on research exemplifying this approach can be found throughout this volume in numerous cutting-edge discussions. Though too numerous to mention, certainly all the discussions in this volume exemplify, illustrate, and extend the very important application of the developmental psychopathology perspective to the study of autism...Consequently, this edited volume provides a unique and highly recommended resource for any professional engaged in research or clinical enterprise with children with autism and their families."
    Contemporary Psychology