This collection brings you a wide range of free chapters from FIVE books in the AI for Everything Series: AI for SportsAI for School TeachersAI for LearningAI for the Sustainable Development Goals, and AI for Healthcare Robotics. The first sample chapter explains how technology is closing the gap on theory in sports; the second and third chapters examine educational technology, considering both the main challenges that we face when integrating AI in schools, as well as how AI can help us directly from a learner perspective; the fourth sample chapter looks at AI and the Sustainable Development Goals in context; and the final chapter defines the vital field of healthcare robotics. Following the series format, each chapter is written in beginner-friendly language by an expert in the field. Together they bring the realities of AI to the broadest readership. They will be of great use to interested professionals, who will find an easy-to-read summary of how AI intersects with their field and how its impact will develop in the future.

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