1st Edition

Psychoanalytic Work with Autistic Features in Adults Clinical Intervention Methods and Technique

By Laura Tremelloni Copyright 2018

    Psychoanalytic Work with Autistic Features in Adults deals with the diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties of working with patients with autistic residuals, formed in early life experiences that have remained dormant in the unconscious mind. Laura Tremelloni traces the process of identifying them in adult patients, and stresses the need to develop a treatment plan suitable for this kind of pathology.

    This book uses clinical cases to examine the difficulties of work with hard to reach adults with 'gaps' in their sense of Self and symptoms related to primitive experiences of "non-being". Tremelloni presents new, adaptive therapeutic intervention methods for overcoming such obstacles and identifies the personification and permanence of undeveloped parts of the Self, in hard to reach adults who have otherwise developed satisfactorily and would not be diagnosed as autistic. In such cases, the author suggests the need for clinicians to adapt classic psychoanalytic approaches to the alternating levels of development of the separate parts which the Self has broken into.

    Psychoanalytic Work with Autistic Features in Adults will help clinicians in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy to more effectively reach such patients, whilst attempting to address the problematic limitations of therapeutic techniques in very difficult clinical cases.

    Preface PART I Introduction Chapter 1: About Autism Chapter 2: About Skin Chapter 3: About sight and beauty PART II Chapter 4: Clinical Examples Chapter 5: Sara: Living on the surface Chapter 6 Irene – From robot-like to person Chapter 7 Beatriz – Backwards Love Chapter 8 Monica: The psychic retreat PART III Chapter 9: First Encounters: Adventures into the unknown Chapter 10: Transference and Counter-Transference Chapter 11: The challenges of working with autistic traits Chapter 12: Suggestions for therapeutic interventions; Conclusions


    Laura Tremelloni is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice in Milan, Italy, working particularly with autistic children and adults as well as psychotic patients. Her psychoanalytic training took place with analysts including Benedetti, Cremerius and McDougall, and then with Resnik, Tustin and Alvarez. She is a founding member of the Centro Internazionale Studi Psicodinamici della Personalità (CISPP), Venice, with Salomon Resnik and other colleagues, where lessons, seminars and meetings are held regularly, especially on infantile autism and psychosis.

    "Psychoanalytic Work with Autistic Features in Adults deals with the diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties of working with patients with autistic residues; defences formed as a result of early experiences in life, that have remained dormant in the unconscious mind, previously untouched even by years of analytic work, thus inhibiting ordinary development. Laura Tremelloni carefully traces the process of identifying such hidden early difficulties in adult patients, and stresses the need to develop an appropriate treatment plan. This is an excellent follow-up to the author's previous book, Arctic Spring, where she discussed the potential for growth in adults with psychosis and autism. All practitioners can learn from this untiring, honest and open work, describing treatments lasting many years. These test the practitioner in ways which are seldom talked about in the field, and often involve 'on the spot' intuitional ways of being in the moment. We live (and learn) with the patient and the practitioner as both develop, acquire new skills and change in this necessarily slow and painstaking work."-Dr Judith Edwards, PhD, MACP, Former Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, Tavistock Clinic