1st Edition

The Governance Handbook for SEND and Inclusion Schools that Work for All Learners

By Adam Boddison Copyright 2021
    106 Pages 19 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    The Governance Handbook for SEND and Inclusion supports governors and trustees in developing effective strategic practice to ensure an inclusive culture in their schools. Building on the six principles of effective governance, it provides useful tips on achieving the right balance of support and challenge so that schools are enabled to meet the needs of learners with SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities).

    Relevant for all governors and trustees across primary and secondary schools, multi-academy trusts and specialist settings, the book focuses on the role and expectations of governance in relation to SEND and inclusion. It includes:

    • An introduction to SEND, inclusion and the six key features of effective governance
    • Practical advice and guidance for SEND Governors and trustees on how to strategically monitor and review SEND provision
    • A discussion of how the relationship between SENCOs, SEND Governors and Headteachers works in practice
    • Advice on developing an inclusive culture in your school
    • Sources of ongoing support and resources from professional organisations and websites.

    This book will be beneficial to all education professionals working at a strategic level, including governors and trustees, school leaders and SENCOs. It recognises the central role that governors and trustees play in setting the inclusive ethos of a school and suggests ways to ensure that strategic practice is as effective as possible.

    1. An Introduction to SEND and Inclusion 2. Effective SEND Governance 3. Reviewing SEND Governance and SEND Provision 4. The SENCO, the Headteacher and the SEND Governor 5. Using data strategically to develop SEND provision and evaluate effectiveness Appendix 1: Practical resources and useful organisations. Appendix 2: Summary of the 50 key messages. Appendix 3: Glossary of acronyms



    Adam Boddison is the Chief Executive Officer at the National Association for Special Educational Needs and Chair of the Whole School SEND consortium. He is a National Leader of Governance and trustee at two multi-academy trusts, spanning primary, secondary and specialist settings. Adam is a trustee of the Potential Trust and does regular board work as a Non-Executive Director. During his career, Adam was Director of the Centre for Professional Education at the University of Warwick and Academic Principal for IGGY (a global educational social network for gifted teenagers). He is a visiting professor at the University of Wolverhampton, a published author and a qualified clinical hypnotherapist. 


    "The Governance Handbook for SEND and Inclusion clearly and concisely lays out all the pertinent issues in SEND provision and inclusion so that governors can ask the right questions and make the best decisions in the interests of learners with SEND." - Rebecca Howells, Chair of Governors: Hazeley Academy

    "I wish I had been given this book 30 years ago when I first became a school governor" - Fiona Millar, Journalist and Education Commentator

    "Professor Boddison has written what is undoubtedly the best practical guide to the governance of SEND in schools. Rich in content and clearly set out, there are 50 key messages to consider. The central exhortation for governors and school leaders to ‘Think SEND’ and embed ‘Co-production’ should be embraced by all." - Malcolm Reeve, National SEND leader: nasen (Whole School SEND)

    "This much needed handbook is an essential read not only for governors but for school leaders everywhere. The exhortation to ‘Think SEND’ resonates throughout each chapter as Prof Adam Boddison skilfully challenges misconceptions and orthodoxies, demystifies SEND processes and offers practical solutions and resources to ensure that the effective governance of SEND is rightfully placed at the heart of our education system." - Stephen Chamberlain, Chief Executive: Active Learning Trust

    "We all, as governors, have a responsibility for SEND students and this is a 'must read' for all board members. As a SEND governor at two schools/Trusts and as Chair of Governors at a special school, this book has been a huge reminder to me of my role. It has led me to checking my practice and the agendas of my meetings to ensure we pay due attention to the points raised in this book." - Jane Owens MBE, Chair of Trustees: Peninsula Multi-Academy Trust and Oak Trees Multi-Academy Trust

    "The Governance Handbook for SEND and Inclusion is essential reading for all governors. Not only does it place the needs of pupils with individual needs at the heart of governance, by its focus on the principle of ‘Think SEND’, it demonstrates good practice for effective governance across all schools and MATs. I will be adopting many of the strategies and techniques explored in this book, across our MAT in the coming months." - Michelle Prosser Haywood, MAT Strategic Lead – Safeguarding and Inclusion: University of Wolverhampton