Music & Education Production Chapter Sampler

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1. Chapter 1, What is your role as a music teacher? - The Journey from Music Student to Teacher  by Michael Raiber, David Teachout

2. Chapter 13, Exploring Mixed Methods, Practitioner, and Arts-Based Inquiry -  Inquiry in Music Education  by Carol Frierson-Campbell, Hildegard C. Froehlich

3. Chapter 2,  The Brain Connection: The Importance of Music in your Classroom -  Using Music to Enhance Student Learningby Jana R. Fallin, Mollie Gregory Tower, Debbie Tannert

4. Chapter 4,  Effective Teaching and Rehearsal Techniques -  A Field Guide to Student Teaching in Music by Ann C. Clements, Sarah H. Watts, Douglas C. McCall p>

5. Chapter 2,  Self-Expression Through Music Shaping Musical Identities -  Certificate for Music Educators Guidebook  by Lilian Simones

6. Chapter 1,  Foundations of Popular Music Pedagogies -  Popular Music Pedagogies by Matthew Clauhs, Bryan Powell, Ann C. Clements

7.  Chapter 6,  Curriculum as Music Teacher Inquiry and Stance -  Constructing a Personal Orientation to Music Teachingby Mark Robin Campbell, Linda K. Thompson, Janet Revell Barrett