1st Edition

The Subtle Beast Snakes, From Myth to Medicine

By Andre Menez Copyright 2003
    172 Pages
    by CRC Press

    The Subtle Beast: Snakes, from Myth to Medicine introduces you to the complex and absorbing world of these mysterious creatures. Each of the fourteen chapters in this volume can be read independently, but read together they trace a fascinating journey from the macroscopic features of snakes to the molecular description of their venom components.

    The first three chapters detail how snakes inspired fear and worship, served as sources of medicine, and represented good and evil throughout the ages. The remaining sections describe much of the scientific work that has eroded these supernatural beliefs during the past three centuries. The book examines the origin, features, and classification of snakes, and also offers a precise description of snake venoms and their components. The final chapter discusses how venoms can be applied toward medicinal purposes. Illustrated with a wealth of full color figures, this volume explains technical topics in language that is understandable to an educated lay audience.

    About the Author
    André Ménez is the Director of the Department of Protein Engineering at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) in France. He heads the Laboratory of Protein Chemistry and is Professor at the National Institute of Sciences and Nuclear Techniques. His knowledge of the toxins of venomous animals inspires his study of proteins for the development of new antivenins and drugs. He is a recipient of the Redi Award from the International Society of Toxicology.

    Men and Snakes: Truths and Fallacies

    Snakes and Myths

    Snakes and Early Medicine

    The Origin of Snakes

    What Are Snakes?

    Classification of Snakes

    Discovery of Snake Venoms

    Snake Venom Potency

    Clinical Aspects of Snake Poisoning

    Non-Toxic Venom Components

    What Are Snake Toxins?

    Toxins in Action

    Stopping the Action of Toxins

    From Toxins to Drugs

    Appendix: A Taste of Protein Chemistry


    Andre Menez