Online Learning and New Technologies

Learn how to bring your classroom into the digital era, including incorporating video and multimedia in your teaching, exploring new platforms to revitalize your online course, and discovering the benefits of open education resources.

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Discover Taylor & Francis eTextBooks

Whether you’re a visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinesthetic learner, our eTextbooks have something for you! Our interactive features can help keep you engaged to understand and retain the content better.


Transformative Learning for the Future Webinar

This free on-demand webinar features four Routledge leading authors in the field of curriculum design, Stephanie Smith Budhai, Ke'Anna Skipwith, Sarah Kuhn and Bruce Mackh.


Five Reasons Why We Offer Inclusive Access

Inclusive Access has become a popular term on campuses across the country, but what is Inclusive Access? It is a program being implemented by universities and booksellers that offers a low-cost solution for students. Here are five reasons why we offer Inclusive Access.


Discover Online Resources for Instructors and Students

We understand that as a Faculty member it can be difficult to find the time to extensively plan lectures, due to your vast workload and hope that our online resources for instructors and students will help you save time.


Online Resources and Companion Websites: How to Make Them Work for You | Webinar Recording

In this free, on-demand webinar, we explain how to discover if your chosen textbook has online resources, how to access them, and what the benefits are for you and your students.


Discover the Benefits of eInspection Copies

This video outlines all the fantastic benefits of Taylor & Francis e-Inspection copies, including: quick and easy access that is portable and interactive as well as sustainable. Also, hear what your colleagues had to say about our e-Inspection copies in a survey we conducted with over 90 members of faculty.

How You Can Use eInspection Copies | Webinar Recording

Taylor & Francis explains e-Inspection copies, covering the value they bring to lecturers and how to request, access and review a complimentary digital copy. We also hear from one of our UK based Sales Representatives, and how eBook inspection copies, or examination copies, can help you assess textbooks for courses.


Reading List: Books to Take Your Teaching Online

This curated reading list will help you manage the process of teaching your course online, whether you're doing it for the first or the fifteenth time. These books focus on the practicalities of online teaching and learning, covering topics like keeping your students engaged, using a blended learning approach, and creating an online syllabus.

5 Steps to Making the Most of Technology

Check out our infographic for five tips for making the most of technology in your classroom that we made using information from our whitepaper entitled Exploring the Digital Landscape in Higher Education.


The Value of eBooks

You can offer institutional eBooks as an Affordable Learning Solution to your students. Download the infographic to discover the advantages of eBooks.